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Trauma-Informed Practice (TIP): EI Makes it More Effective

Updated: Jan 3

There's a lot of talk these days around trauma-informed care and practice. I love to see that our local fire chief is focusing on this area when it comes to training our firewomen and men.

70% of people have experienced some type of trauma throughout their lives. 90% of people receiving behavioral health services have experienced significant trauma. Trauma-informed care starts with asking the question "What happened to you?" as opposed to "What's wrong with you?" It completely shifts the dynamics of the interaction.

When we can ask that question and frame the interaction from that starting place, we humanize the person and can begin to have empathy for them and for what is happening. It can greatly affect our ability to de-escalate a situation by helping the people involved to feel heard and valued.

Trauma hinders our ability to be emotionally intelligent, but it doesn't mean we can't develop the skills necessary to be intelligent about our emotions. In fact, it's a critical skill needed for dealing with challenging people and situations. So whether you are a server at a restaurant or a police officer on the streets, understanding a trauma-informed approach combined with strong emotional intelligence skills, you will better navigate any difficult situation you find yourself in on any given day.

Trauma-informed practices are so much stronger when you are self-aware, can regulate your emotions, and have empathy for the people you encounter on a daily bases. And that is exactly what emotional intelligence training provides. EI is a skill that with practice can be developed. Once you know the basics and start to implement them, your life begins to change for the better in every aspect.

Thanks for reading. Please share! I look forward to catching you on the flip side!

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